Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The W.A.K.E., Inc. Business Plan

Executive Summary

W.A.K.E., Inc. is an acronym for World Academy of Keristan Education. We operate for scientific, educational, and charitable purposes as a (501)(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

As you read the following business plan please keep it mind that it is an “organic work in progress.” Also, be kind to yourself and try not to grasp entirely our business plan in one reading. I have not yet come up with a pill one can take to understand instantly the complexity of the plan.

Our main product is a global encyclopedia that is shipped in modules and assembled at the destination point. This encyclopedia is designed so that people can actually live within it. Each module is linked to a series of extensive databases in a global network called “A Wonderland of Knowledge, Electronic, Interactive, and Multimedia Encyclopedia.” This network delivers customized information based on the end-user's age, language, culture, educational achievement, and level of interest.

Our business plan is a work in progress and compromises a very important part of the marketing plan. W.A.K.E., Inc., which is an acronym for the World Academy of Keristan Education, intends to create a sales force that is second to none!

Reinforcing the sales force will be the Scientific Utopian News Syndicate (Suns). W.A.K.E. will utilize an innovative journalistic style called “Proactive Network Journalism”. This work will be performed via e-bay, Google, and other Internet sites.

The group of artists who have designed the new industries and new projects are projecting a $200 billion annual industry that could ultimately become a $1 trillion industry.

If you are interested, read on!


Life-support, self-improvement, betterment of society, and musical comedy.

We humans, for the first time in history, have access to previously unimaginable technology and the ability to overcome poverty around the world, once and for all.

Never before has the need for a positive, collective self-image been greater than it is now. More and more we see ourselves as global citizens who live with and depend on each other.

In the famous monologue before As You Like It Shakespeare began, “All the world's a stage...,” spoken by the melancholy Jacques. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play. The technique of theatricalizing one's life is an extension of that keynote phrase. In the Cosmic Opera Repertory Theater, we go one step further and see ourselves as pioneers on the frontier of building the “new world order” -- one that establishes safe, orderly neighborhoods all over the world.

In production “fleets” of 10,080 players, books and plays are written, treatments and scripts are plotted out and multimedia is used to weave together socially constructive material and entertaining themes. The “glory trail” is depicted as a spiritual and creative path on which all players are heroines and heroes for the betterment of society. This heroic self-image, combined with sophisticated camaraderie-building techniques, creates optimal self-esteem in each player, with effective social improvement programs as by-products.

Each “fleet” breaks down into 36 production companies; clusters of 280 friends who are harmonically interconnected, “acting out” interchangeable roles on the multitudinous “sets” of the Cosmic Opera. For example, the University of Utopia, one of the major sets in the Cosmic Opera, features 9,600 clubs, forums, and seminar circuits. Multimedia outreach to an audience of 25,600,000 beneficiaries, makes available an ever-expanding menu of entertainment, educational and augmentation options through the various activity centers.

“Sets” which cannot be constructed physically can be constructed in virtual reality, the sophisticated computer technology that allows “environments” of myriads of shapes and forms to be mathematically “built” into the computer's memory and visualized while the end-user manipulates and interacts with this virtual landscape. “Cyberspace” is the term for this electronic phenomenon, emerging from science fiction to
become a current reality.

Moral philosophy is the difference between what is and what ought to be. The bridge between what is and what ought to be is virtual reality and the many models that can be built into the computer using the imagination. A whole body of solutions in virtual reality can set out looking for problems they were designed to solve. The theme becomes “solutions finding problems.”

The players of each geographic area are networked and interconnected with the WorldBrain Module, which makes solutions-information available all over the planet. The WorldBrain Module is divided into 27 divisions, each of which have 27 departments, which each have 27 agencies. The divisions represent distinct areas, or theaters of operations, around specific societal and individual functions and activities. The most efficient and cost-effective methodologies become readily accessible, with no expense to the end-user, like the public library.

Inside of this environment is the constant enhancement process combining self-awareness, introspection, and
gestalt-group interaction. Each of the participants is action out the role of being a player in a troupe of repertory performers who wish to improve themselves and improve their world.

Launching a Business Driven Peace Corps

The conception of a “global village” emerged as the result of a wide variety of ideas and influences. The intensive studies of mathematics, science, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, theology, religion, economics, marketing, and advertising have all played major roles in this new rendition of the concept of “spaceship earth.”

It is quite apparent that the world is daily becoming a smaller and smaller place, in terms of communications, travel, and ideology. One is constantly barraged by the media with positive themes and negative themes, from the great to the terrible, and everything in between. Given the tremendous wealth that has been built up from the natural resources of the planet, an ironic and frustrating distribution process still has great masses of people “pinned down” in sub-human conditions. Equally, moral fragmentation has many facets of life boiled down to a “vending-machine” existence. Integrity, quality, consideration, fair play and The Golden Rule are becoming more the exception than the norm.

We can remember Big Brother from the novel, 1984, as the all-seeing, all-powerful, ultimate fascist machine. Now, imagine that same technological ingenuity being applied to the betterment of the human condition, and its freedom and liberty, rather than its control and subservience. We can visualize life-support systems, educational facilities to teach, tools of the trade to employ, medical, dental, nutritional, and general health facilities readily accessible, political, religious, geographic and economic freedom; these are basics for each person as a sovereign entity. A global society that supports, augments, and uplifts each and every global citizen.

This opportunity has never existed before. Mainly because the intensity and scope of our projected goals are so profound and wide-ranged that we had to wait for technology to catch up! Our ideas would be impossible to comprehend or implement without state-of-the-art electronics and the most sophisticated programming
that exists today. We needed the advent of developments like satellite communications and global networks. The '80s was considered the “era of the personal computer”; the '90s is widely seen by experts as the “era of
connectivity & networking.”

In conjunction with the practical and pragmatic approach to global solutions, is the philosophical or “religious” side of the concept. For which kinds of people could unite together in such a vast, far-reaching undertaking but those who were glued, or bonded, in a mutual ideology of righteousness, fairness, opportunity, equality, and liberty?! The philosophical base of Kerista is best rendered in nine words:

Universal Wellbeing Including the Elimination of All Unnecessary Suffering”

As simple as this concise phrase may appear, when broken down into every joy to be included and every sorrow to be eradicated, a multi-myriad of complexity arises and the mechanics are astronomical. Our drive is to joyously conceptualize, plan, and carry out the necessary functions of alternative creativity while always remembering that the means and the end are one and “holy is as holy does.”

Our goal, is to ultimately touch every person on the planet ensuring that all receive the opportunities for joy and happiness they deserve as human beings, and to laissez faire those who wish to be left alone. By constantly seeking out new systems and information; by storing, analyzing, re-organizing and structuring an implementation process, using the latest techniques of environmental scanning, electronic numerical projections, computer generated virtual reality, self-esteem enhancement and character development, we plan to fulfill that destiny in every righteous way possible.

In the past we in the West have lived largely by two business models. In Business Model I, it is thought that the sole function of business is to serve customers and employees. The U.S. Economist Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 to November 16, 2006) held this view. In Business Model II, there is some realization that business has a responsibility to help society. However, there are only “token” gestures made to “give something back” to society. Many prominent business people (e.g., Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, J. Paul Getty and many others) and their large corporations have created “foundations” to serve underprivileged individuals, communities, societies, and even nations. However, in terms of overall income and profit the aid from such foundations is minuscule.

We have entered Business Model III, wherein social capital formation and collaboration on a grand scale in the market place are developed and brought to fruition. We are now talking about the survival of the planet and of the human race. We need no-nonsense, practical idealism and solutions to problems that work.

In my experience there are three things that must be sold. They are 1) poetry, 2) encyclopedias, and 3) peace. They generally do not sell in and of themselves. Two of the biggest obstacles to selling peace are abject poverty and ignorance. Through our technological know-how we have the ability and opportunity to phase out all that is “ungood” in the world by gradually marginalizing it to the edges. We can do this by a massive transfer of wealth from those who have more than enough to those with less than enough. At the same time foundations and infrastructures must be built concurrently in order to bring parity among peoples and societies.

The Economist writes that “tribes of genius” scout ahead for new opportunities. Great minds think a like. Each have a name, have written and done things that inspire others just by their names. These “Techno-Utopian scouts” are searching for talented people to transfer the power of computer based training (CBT) that is linked to research and development that also provides on-the-job-training that is similar to the “Compensated Work Therapy” program of the Department of Veterans Affairs. [Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) vocational rehabilitation program that endeavors to match and support work ready veterans in competitive jobs, and to consult with business and industry regarding their specific employment needs. In some locations CWT is also known as Veterans Industries; these designations are synonymous. Website:]

In Business Model III information is free, universal, and ubiquitous. “Knowledge Navigators” assist the learning process through co-mentoring. Dogmatists seek to indoctrinate belief in things that are not proven to be true. Knowledge navigators endeavor to provide only the facts.

The Big Idea

Our sales force will scout out talent and willingness to “ABC” (for “Always Be Cool”) and “ABCD” (for “Action Beyond the Call of Duty”). We are calling our sales force the Flower Power Sales Force. The Flower Power Sales Force is energized by harnessing “Love Energy”. A description of Love Energy will be presented in a future article in this blog. For now, let me define love energy as “the force that arises from a compelling desire to want for others what one wants for his- or herself.” The notion of “flower power” or the “energy of love” arose during the 1960s in response to bigotry, intolerance, and war. A generation imagined a world of humanity living in peace.

Despite the “hippie-dippy” sounding name and goal, the Flower Power Sales Force (FPSF) is committed to preventing the unthinkable -- the destruction of Western civilization – and to bringing everlasting peace to the world. The FPSF is committed to phasing out all that is “ungood” in the world. This includes gradually marginalizing “shadow governments”

of terrorists and thugs who feed on prohibitions and prey on humanity through crime.

[Left] What I call the “Love Energy Lotus Flower mandala” on the exterior of the Maitri-Compassionate Care building at Church and Duboce streets in San Francisco.
Photo by Son Brad

We envision ultimately the creation of six buildings. One of these buildings houses the “Museum of Utopian Art. It features artifacts related to the quest for Utopia, a place of freedom, creativity, joy, and everlasting peace. Actually, Utopia is not a “place”. It is a state of mind, in that it exists in the mind. Utopia is a “place” of imagination.

The museum will introduce “Art to the Rescue”, a program designed to bring out ones inner beauty, creativity, talent – ones very best! As an example, when we listen to music we find soothing to the soul and evocative of the “Spirit” living within us, we often find ourselves feeling refreshed, inspired, renewed, invigorated, healed, etc. These are some of the benefits we receive from really listening and allowing ourselves to be carried away by the music. This is Art to the Rescue!

The museum will also send out the “Traveling Caravan(s) of Gestalt-O-Rama”. These caravans will present the latest in technology, social networking, and social capital formation. They will also feature 9,604 Special Interests Groups. (More about this later.)

[Left] New York City of the Future” by Philip Hone Williams at

I imagine a spread sheet divided into 39 columns by 52 rows, producing 2,028 cells or workstations where individuals research the very best minds in any given field. This provides a well spring of creativity and innovation.

Business has a responsibility to provide on-going education to promote personal growth and self-esteem enhancement to leaders and their supporters. This is the primary focus of the Business III model. Businesses that qualify for a Business III designation haven't yet arrived. We are close but we are not there yet.

Business III criteria include: 1) a tremendous transfer of wealth from "those with more than enough" to those with "less than enough"; 2) an entirely new approach to work; 3) continuing education; 4) equal health care coverage for all persons, and 5) a central focus to create paradise on earth.


Each mission has its own sales force! (The benefits, advantages, and features to each medallion holder are spelled out and ever-expanding.)

This coalition of artists then move Project W.A.K.E. Forward to its destination: universal prosperity.

Preconditions for Take-Off

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